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RIP to my Best Friend Pierre

By Rahul Kothari

August 13, 2022

February 1, 2011 - August 13, 2022

We are devastated to share that our beloved Pierre has passed at the age of 11. His passing came suddenly and as a shock, as he had always been remarkably healthy, but it seems he did not suffer, so for that we are grateful.

I’m at a loss for how to process this tragedy. It is the middle of the night and my emotions are all over the map. From deep sadness to regret to thankfulness. From wanting to mourn to wanting to celebrate a life well lived. I’ve opted to focus on the latter.

I’ve heard it suggested that a good exercise to guide your life is to write your eulogy. I’ve never done it but I have often thought that if I could emulate anyone it would be Pierre. He loved unconditionally. He found joy in simple things. People still thought he was a puppy because of his youthful energy. He was our first kid, and “big bro” welcomed and nurtured our three other kids. He brought us closer and brought us friends. He could win over even the most reluctant, including me, with his patience and persistence. He was my best friend.

Pierre found joy in everything but we would be remiss if we didn’t call out at least a few of his favorites. Of course he loved Central Park and meeting his friends at the great hill. He loved his morning walks in Haverford and his community there. He loved swimming with the kids in the pool in Miami. He loved howling to help the fire trucks as they passed by. He loved staring out the window, anywhere. He loved every living thing. Almost too much. He would be the kind to love you so much he might squeeze you too tightly or chase you too hard or swim with you too closely. I’m reminded of how he would just lean into you, as only he could, to make you feel like you had someone right by your side. I will miss having you by my side. Yours was the rarest kind of love. Even if the squirrels didn’t appreciate it, it seemed everyone else did as you made friends everywhere. You helped us make friends everywhere.

At times I ask myself what would Pierre do. This is one of those times. How do we go on without you, my dear friend? I will cherish all the memories, but what I would give for just one more day to say a proper goodbye to tell you all that you meant to us. The only thing I can think of to keep you alive is to try to embody your spirit in how we live going forward. Your legacy will live on in each of us. We are better because you made us better.

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